Tim Disney

Contracts.coffee - Contracts for JavaScript and CoffeeScript

This summer I’ve been working at Mozilla looking at bringing the awesomeness that is contracts to JavaScript. If you aren’t familiar with contracts, think of them as super powerful asserts.

Why contracts? Because they allow us to build better software! They allow us to express invariants (things that will always be true about our code) in JavaScript about JavaScript and check at runtime that these invariants hold. And when things break (like they always do) we get a precise error message pin-pointing the part of our code the broke the contract.

Contracts in programming languages were first popularized in the language Eiffel. In fact, the people behind Eiffel promoted an entire design methodology centered around contracts (called, appropriately enough, Design by Contract™) that encouraged thinking about invariants and interfaces between software component boundaries.

So if contracts are so great why don’t we see them in JavaScript? Well, for the most part, the languages that have supported contracts in the past all share an important characteristic…no lambdas. Or more specifically in Java and Eiffel functions are not first class (you can’t pass a function in a method call). Traditional contract systems fall down in a higher order setting (how do you check a function argument?).

Until, that is, the scheme people (err…I mean Racket people) figured out what to do a few years ago. Now, Racket has a very nice contract system.

But we haven’t seen anything comparable to Racket’s contracts in JavaScript so far. So this summer I looked into taking the work that was done in Racket and trying to fit it into JavaScript. As you probably know, JavaScript has a bit of scheme in it (just confused by some C/Java syntax).

The result of this exploration is a JavaScript libarary called contracts.js and a fork of the CoffeeScript compiler (which translates CoffeeScript directly to JavaScript) called contracts.coffee. The JavaScript library gives us the ability to apply contracts to our code and the CoffeeScript extension gives us some really pretty syntax.

So what does it all look like?

Here’s some CoffeeScript code with contracts:

id :: (Num) -> Num
id = (x) -> x

And the JavaScript translation:

var id = guard(
     fun(Num, Num),
     function(x) { return x; })

This code takes the identity function and wraps it in a function contract. Now every time id is called the contract library first checks that the argument being passed in satisfies the Num contract (which checks the the value is a number) and that the result of id also satisfies Num. If any of these checks fail, an error is thrown. For example:

Error: Contract violation: expected <Number>, actual: "string"
Value guarded in: id_module.js:42
  -- blame is on: client_code.js:104
Parent contracts: (Number) -> Number

Pretty nifty right?

We can also have contracts on objects:

person ::
    name: Str
    age: Num
person =
    name: "Bertrand Meyer"
    age: 42

And arrays:

loc :: [...Num]
loc = [99332, 23452, 123, 2, 5000]

And various combinations thereof:

average :: ({name: Str, age: Num}, [...Num]) -> Str
average = (person, loc) ->
    sum = loc.reduce (s1, s2) -> s1 + s2
    "#{person.name} wrote on average
    #{sum / loc.length} lines of code."

You can find documentation, install instructions, and a bunch more examples for contracts.coffee at its website. Docs for the underlying contracts.js library is coming soon but for now just check out the github page.

This is still very much a work in progress and I would love feedback. Let me know if you find it useful!